About Us

CARAWAY was born with one vision - caring the people’s way i.e caring your way.

Sadly, our grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson disease and apart from regular medication for the disease we were asked by a family doctor to make him ingest Coconut Oil which is believed to soothe the neurotics nerves and prevent the increase of the disease. Unable to trust any commercial product on the market due to rising adulteration and quality, we bought a small machine to procure the oil ourself in a clean environment. 

This was not it, now that we had the machine, procuring good quality organic coconuts was a hurdle of its own due to malpractices followed by farmers for quicker cultivation. After intensive research and sample trying from multiple vendors, we found a supplier directly from farm in Kerala. A problem was solved with a sense of positive psychological effect towards the oil produced.There in the foundation for CARAWAY was laid in our minds.

After regular consumption of the oil, the stage of Parkinson did not increase and to this date remains the same with control on symptoms as well. This made us believe that nature provides solutions to all problems if we are able to procure naturally produced products without any adulteration. The Ayurveda and Unnai system more than 300 years ago used these oil seeds and extracts from plants to cure all diseases, they did not have laboratory made medications and were able to cure 99% of the diseases and moreover prevent them by using them to make a healthier lifestyle. 

This is what is the essence of CARWAY, wherein we aim to provide you with products which are produced from and in the most natural way the earth provides us. We do not use the word “organic” because in India it is nothing but an advertising gimmick. For a fact the government has banned 13 out of the 24 organic license bodies operating in India due to their malpractice of not following the standards in giving out the certificates. 

We go through the same exercise for each of the product that we did for producing coconut oil for our grandfather. We are a D2C brand, following strict standards from the procurement of the oil seed , processing and packaging of the product. Each practise and decision we follow is backed by scientific research with an aim to provide fresh cold pressed produce of the oilseeds to our customers. 

“We care, your way”